Monday, June 24, 2013


If you're working on your yearbook page, here are the questions you need to answer/include on your page. Remember it can be double-sided.

My favourite lesson was...

A time I really laughed (The funniest thing from this year...)

The most challenging lesson (The hardest thing to learn...)

When I grow up I want to...

Something I wish I could do over again...
My advice for next year's class is...

Autograph page (I will put this together and you will all have a chance to
sign it)

You will also design the cover for your own yearbook.
It should include: The year, the grade (5/6), and the teachers, Mr. Fahey, Mme. Lang, Ms. Moga.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Three Tuesdays

Today was the third last Tuesday of school! Now that the day is done, that means there are only two left before the end of the year!

Here are the anchor charts from today's review session in class. They are basically an expanded version of the list "what you need to know".

Reminders: Science quiz is on Thursday

All permission forms and money are due tomorrow (Wednesday, June 12). 

Math- we will be continuing probability tomorrow. I will be assessing your work (what you complete in class). We will also be doing geometry (translations). We will do an activity together that I will also be assessing. 

 Language- we are continuing to read "Loser". Some very observant points were made today about Zinkoff. He actually likes school, and he laughs at everything... he's just a little different than his classmates. 
I will introduce the criteria for a movie poster tomorrow. You will have time to work on it in class on Thursday, and it is due Friday- no exceptions!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Saturday/Sunday Study Session

Here's a list of what you need to know for Thursday's Science test:
  •       Forms of energy and at least one example (chemical, electrical, nuclear, light, elastic)
  •      Energy cannot be created or destroyed.
  •       Energy transformations (three examples)
  •       Ways you use energy at home (at least three examples)
  •       Renewable (solar, wind, biomass, tidal) and non-renewable energy sources (oil, gas, nuclear, coal)
  •      Advantages and disadvantages of renewable and non-renewable energy sources
  •      Be able to explain how technology has increased energy use and give one example
  •      What changes that people can make to conserve energy at home. 
  •    What does energy efficiency mean? Read some tips here:

We will have a review session on Tuesday morning during science. Be sure to study on your own time as well.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Thoughts from Tuesday

Math Quiz tomorrow. Check out the review posted in the last few days. For grade 6, try out these questions too.

Sciencethe quiz on the Conservation of Energy unit will be next Thursday, June 13.

Today we discussed technology and energy use. Think about how we use technology to help us use energy more efficiently. For example, fluorescent light bulbs, energy-efficient appliances, smaller cars etc. Also think of other reasons why we want to be more energy efficient, such as to save money. 

Language- we finished the questions for chapters 5-7.We will correct the vocabulary tomorrow.  We will be moving onto chapters 8-10. For these chapters, you will be responsible for journal entry.

Study for the math quiz, enjoy the beautiful weather, and see you tomorrow.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Monday Update

Time is flying by... Monday's seem to be coming and going! Here's a recap from today:

Math- Converting Fractions to Decimals 
*You will be allowed to use a calculator during the test*

 To help you- (just look at example 1)- 

Extra Practice-

Language- we read Chapters 5-7. You should have answered questions 1-6 for homework. We will take them up tomorrow.

Phys Ed.- be prepared to possibly be outside. Temperatures are a little cooler this week, so bring a sweater if you think you may be chilly.

Saturday, June 1, 2013


It's hard to believe that it's already June! Here is a calendar with upcoming events. Grade 5's should return their permission forms for the museum trip as soon as possible. Gr. 6 parents/guardians, a permission form for your child's year-end trip should be sent home shortly.

Studying on a Saturday?

If you're finding it too hot to go outside, here's what you need to know for next week's math quiz.

Grade 5

  •     Equivalent Fractions
  •      Comparing Fractions
  •     Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers
  •    Relating Fractions to Decimals (calculators allowed)
  •      Ordering Fractions on a Number Line           
      Grade 6     

  •   Comparing and Ordering Fractions
  •   Comparing Fractions with Unlike Denominators
  •  Fraction and Decimal Equivalents
  •   Ratios
  • Equivalent Ratios 
  •  Percents as Special Special Ratios (coming Monday)
  •  Relating Percents to Decimals and Fractions (coming Monday)
Take a look at these videos if you're still unclear about these concepts: 

Fabulous Friday

It's a hot one! Make sure to stay cool this weekend.

Grade 5's- you were working on the skills bank questions. This is a review of what we have covered so far.

For more practice-try these questions...

Grade 6- We discussed equivalent ratios. We did several examples together on the board.

To help you

Extra Practice-  try these questions


Coming up on Monday: Math-Fractions to decimals 
 Language- Chapters 5- 7 of Loser