Sunday, June 9, 2013

Saturday/Sunday Study Session

Here's a list of what you need to know for Thursday's Science test:
  •       Forms of energy and at least one example (chemical, electrical, nuclear, light, elastic)
  •      Energy cannot be created or destroyed.
  •       Energy transformations (three examples)
  •       Ways you use energy at home (at least three examples)
  •       Renewable (solar, wind, biomass, tidal) and non-renewable energy sources (oil, gas, nuclear, coal)
  •      Advantages and disadvantages of renewable and non-renewable energy sources
  •      Be able to explain how technology has increased energy use and give one example
  •      What changes that people can make to conserve energy at home. 
  •    What does energy efficiency mean? Read some tips here:

We will have a review session on Tuesday morning during science. Be sure to study on your own time as well.

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