Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Parent/Guardian Info

Dear parents/guardians,
                                    as I increase  my efforts to introduce this blog as a communication tool with you and your child, and as your child begins to increasingly use technology, both academically, and socially the following is some important information to consider. 

Technology in Our Schools-

The OCSB Acceptable Use Policy (what and how technology can be used while at school):

 Bullying and Internet Safety-

 I encourage you to follow St. Brigid on Twitter for school-wide updates -

Please remember to be a good digital citizen and help teach your child to be one too!
10 Digital Citizenship Tips-


You can sign up at the bottom of this page to follow this blog by email. That means you will receive an email when there is a new post.

Homework/Assignment questions- use the "Email Miss Moga" feature found on the right hand side of this page.

If you need to speak with me, please phone the school between 7:55-8:20am, 1:40- 2:55pm (except Tuesdays), or 2:55-3:25pm.

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