Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tuesday Recap

Grade 6's were hard at work on EQAO this morning, so just a note for the grade 5's regarding math.

To help you- http://www.mathsisfun.com/equivalent_fractions.html

Extra practice- http://www.nelson.com/mathfocus/grade5/quizzes/ch07/mf5_ch.7_lesson_3try.htm

Science- we discussed water power (hydroelectricity). Grade 6's check out this video we watched- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEL7yc8R42k

Source: http://curriculum.cna.ca/curriculum/cna_world_energy_res/hydro-eng.asp?bc=Hydroelectricity

Language- you should be finished reading chapters 1-4 of Loser. You should be working on the vocabulary questions. I will be checking what you have completed tomorrow.

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